Do Transition Words Help In Establishing Relationships Between Sentences?

Do transition words help in establishing relationships between sentences?


In writing informative articles, the following question is needed to be asked to improve the way that an article is written: "Do transition words help in establishing relationships between sentences?"


  • Informative articles are one type of articles. They are helpful for students, professionals, and ordinary people alike. This type of article intends to inform people about any topic.
  • In writing drafts for informative articles, one question that can be asked is: "Do transition words help in establishing relationships between sentences?"
  • Transition words make it easier for your readers to connect one idea to another, as these words establish relationships between sentences. They therefore improve the flow of your article.
  • Examples of transition words include thus, and, moreover, afterward, however, but, nevertheless, similarly, therefore, above all, indeed, again, besides, for example, furthermore, etc.
  • In the given example, the revised draft uses transition words compared with the draft. An example of the transition words that was used in the revised article was "later on".

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